Sunday, November 23, 2008

Using Index, Match, Vlookup, Hlookup, Lookup Function

The Example on download section Demonstrates the Use of Vlookup, Combination ofMatch and Index , Offset and Match Function to get the value from the table.You can learn more about this function by taking online Help.

I will prefer to use Index-Match or Offset Function Instead ofusing Vlookup, Hlookup or Lookup functions.

Here I have shown two methods one is by using of cell references and other by Naming the range and then using Name range to get the data.

It depends on individual choice what to use.This example does not demonstrate the use of Dyanamic Range.It is because I presume let us first understand function and then goto advance stage.

Sheet2 of example demonstrate How you can use Form controls to reterive the value with combination of INDEX - MATCH and OFFSET - MATCH function.Last to say , if you prefer to use VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP function then you need to sort the data. For INDEX - MATCH, OFFSET - MATCH you donot require that so you can go on adding data to your range and can use dynamic range to get data.

Next week we shall discuss of dyanmic range, I already have example file of 'Dynamic Range' which can be download from the website,

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