Today one of my friend Mr. Rupang Mehat - CEO Intas Pharma forwarded me a very nice poem in gujarati which I shall like to share with the community.
It is really a heart touching peom.
I visited Tulsa - Oklahoma in USA to meet some business friends. It was really nice to see the city from my plane. I found city in a plain terrian and full of grass.
City is very cute, clean and beatiful. It has wonderful landscapes and beautiful planning. The roads are well planned and the buidlings seems to be constructed in well tought manner.
I have to go back to Philadelphia via chicago and it took 12 hours to reach to philadelphia.
In the craft it was nice oppurtunity to meet one upcoming band from chicago called 'Kill Hannah'. I browse the net to see what they do. I was interesting that they have good presence in international market, this the link you can find about them